The ImageX is an ActiveX for image capture and presentation in any
Windows application. The plugin has the following features:
- Image Viewer with a toolbar and status bar
- The user can measure distance, view intensity value and zoom
- The Python Engine has a complete API for realtime Overlay
- The Image Source can be any DirectX compatible camera
- In simulation modes images can be read from file
ImageX is installed together with Scorpion. On the Scorpion CD
ImageX_Setup.exe is located. This will install ImageX independant of
Scorpion Vision Software. In this setup program there is c++
demonstration program shown to the right.
The Image Viewer is shown below:

The Image Viewer has the following elements:
- Toolbar
- Snapshot - capture one image
- Live - activates live images
- Image Information
- Image Size
- Image information
- Status Bar
- Cursor position and intensity value
By right-clicking the image the Image menu is activated:

Image Operations
The Image Viewer supports operations in the camera image. Zoom in the
image by clicking the left mouse button and drag the cursor. Zoom out by
clicking the right mouse button in the image.
Measure Intensity Values
Click the right mouse button in the camera image, and see the menu as
shown in the image below. Select Show info, and a text line with point
information will follow the cursor. Show info will activate a yellow note
showing measured values.
You can measure distances and angles directly in the image by using the
Set Origo, Measure and Freeze commands. Click the right mouse button when
starting (Set Measure origin) and ending (Freeze). The measuring result is
shown on the cursor text line.